Eave HealthWatch™
1. Alerting in high noise zones and personal dose monitoring in real-time.
(Noise zone alerts requires NoiseWarden™, personal dose monitoring requires FocusLite™)
2. Alerting in dust zones in real-time.
(Dust zone alerts requires AirWarden™)
3. Real-time vibration dose monitoring and trigger time.
(Requires ToolWarden™ and mapped tool profile in HAVBase™ (INVC).)
Real-time proximity based alerting for environmental level triggers. (100m BLE range. Optimal 0-25m )
Real-time dose monitoring for personal noise and vibration exposure. (FocusLite and ToolWarden solutions required.)
Gateway functionality to upload sensor data to cloud reporting.
Device connectivity status indicator. (Requires FocusLite solution.)
Bluetooth & 3/4G variants available for data upload.
QR initiated authentication for users to quickly and securely assign watches.
Collision and fall detection.
Heart rate (SO2) and stress monitoring.